About the Journey, so far

Our time in New Zealand is over, but so many different things will stay with us. We waited so long for this journey to start I cannot really believe our time in New Zealand has come to an end.

Nearly five months ago we stepped out of a plane in Auckland and in a few hours we will step in one again. This journey has been huge. It was in terms of lenght and of distance the longest I have ever travelled so far. We went from Cape Reinga in the far north to Invercargill in the deep south. We saw dolphins, seals, glowworms, Pukekos, Fantails and many more. We travelled through different climate zones and saw so many diverse and stunning landscapes, it is hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to choose, I would pick the hidden Whale Bay at the Tutukaka Coast.

I am now able to see myself in a different light and I have changed my mind about many things. I realised what I need to live. I redefined my goals and plans for the next years and while I had the most awesome last months, I am really looking forward to the next few weeks, months and years.

Travelling New Zealand gave me a new perspective of living and I really can learn a lot from the laid-back Kiwi way. Don’t worry! That is the motto. Everything will work out somehow and if it does not, we do it differently.

We met so many amazing people. They shaped our journey as much as the country did. Some of them were real Kiwis, others were travellers themself. A HUGE Thank You to: Lulu, Emmy, John, Joy, Dean, Constantin, Sally and her family, Franziska, Mareike, Lindy, Gavin, Sarah, Welmoed, Robin, Martina, Julia and her family, Ruojun / Kelly, Shannon, Chloe, Karen, Lars, Sarah, Alina, Anna, Silvia, Celine, Adriana and Nadine.

Of course we will miss this beautiful country, but every end is also a beginning. The road lies ahead of us, we just need to take the next step.

Our time in New Zealand may be over, but the journey is not. 27 days are left, until we are back in Kiel, our hometown. Can you guess our next destination? Hint: in this country it is a crime to import chewing gum.